Sunday, September 20, 2015

The 400 Blows

Well I haven’t exactly counted but I believe this kid has probably had about 400 blows in his lifetime. As depicted in the Francois Truffaut’s somewhat autobiographical film, Antoine Doinel has had his share of struggles and setbacks. A strong theme in this French New Wave film is the blessing and curse of being a young child having to basically grow up and raise yourself. Although Antoine’s parents were physically present, they were often not present emotionally. Navigating your way through life with can be tricky even with supportive parents which unfortunately Antoine did not have.

Watching this film, I found myself coming to quick judgments about Antoine’s parents. Let’s take his mother for example. She bombards the audience with such mood swings that had even me feeling dizzy. One minute she is cold and aloof, the next she’s having a heart to heart with Antoine, encouraging him to study, and then again, proceeds to be mean and nasty. Alright, so maybe this kid is bringing on his own problems with his unruly behavior, after all he should be accountable like everyone else, right? That’s what I thought in the beginning of this film but after being introduced to his so called parents it didn’t take much for me to see things in another light.

It comes down to one word, trust. Antoine didn’t trust his parents to be open and honest with them. He chose to lie to them over silly things instead of taking a chance and being honest. He also chose to lie to his teacher by copying a paper because he didn’t have the guts to try and write his own. He had guts to do wrong things such as skip school or steal a typewriter. But you see these things were a mask. They were numbing the emotional pain he felt. Antoine didn’t want to try to write his own paper and fail. Putting yourself out there and being vulnerable is a scary thing. He didn’t want to disappoint himself and most of all I don’t think he wanted to disappoint his mother. It’s always easier to put up a wall that hinders people from knowing the real you then it is to be known and still rejected. Antoine would rather live in a world where he had control. He could manipulate how others saw him and reacted to him. It was comfortable to be the “bad” kid…the problem child. Because playing that game and losing is more tolerable than playing by the rules and still coming up short.

There is one person however, that Antoine chose to put his trust in and that was his friend René Bigey. It warmed by heart to see these two together. As much trouble as they got into there is nothing like the feeling of the bond of friendship and knowing that no matter what someone will always be there for you. It made me think back to a time when I was very young and had a friendship much like theirs. My friend and I have since parted ways but I always think back to that time in my life and smile.

Have there been times in your life when you trusted the wrong person, what were the consequences? What did you learn from that experience, have you used it to make yourself a better person?  I think one of the most important questions to ask yourself is what could you do if you simply put trust in yourself?


  1. Good job! I really liked all the points you made within your post!I too have to agree that I was making judgements about the family as well! It was hard not to. The mom seemed caring, but then in the next moment was all about herself. I agree with the mom encouraging him to study, but as we saw that did not last long. I liked that you brought up the theme of trust. Antoine is rarely honest with his parents, as you point out, and this greatly affects the family dynamic. Awesome job! -Christina Sieb

  2. Wow! You talked about the keyword trust which I think is the main point in this movie. Due to Antonie not trusting his parents made him have many problems with his family.

    Great job on your blog!


  3. Wow! You talked about the keyword trust which I think is the main point in this movie. Due to Antonie not trusting his parents made him have many problems with his family.

    Great job on your blog!


  4. This is a marvelous post and I am loving the comments so far. Your opening line is so arresting. You make really good points about characters, especially the mother. Yes, I am frustrated as well by her moods (if she was pleasant all the time, Antoine probably would not misbehave -- armchair psychology).

  5. I love how you made the connection between Antoine's behavior and his lack of trust in his parents. I agree that they were there physically but not always emotionally which added to the conflict of the plot. You pointed out many key problems he had with his parents, great blog post!
    -Amanda Roloff

  6. I like the trust theme you decided to go with as to why Antoine might be acting out as a lack of trust between his Mother and Father. I enjoyed your detailed post on the family dynamics that played into Antoine's actions.

    -Rachel Litschauer

  7. I really liked this line, "It’s always easier to put up a wall that hinders people from knowing the real you then it is to be known and still rejected." Antoine wanted to feel something other than hurt and ignored, so he chose to numb his pain with actions, even if they were bad.

    -Coreen Lockett

  8. You clearly described what seems to be the most important driving force for Antoine- Trust. You wonderfully articulated how Antoine's lashing out is derived from this.

    -April Moraza

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. The consequences of trusting the wrong person, is that it's hard to believe who is being honest with you and who is just using you for their benefit. With my experience, I have trusted a lot in my life, and sometimes its not with the right people, I had to realize the hard way that there is never a "right or wrong" its what you feel you should do/believe. Not any one else. It's not hard for me to trust someone, but it is hard for me to regain trust for someone. Once that bridge has been burned, no amount of wood can rebuild it.

    -Amanda Lynn

  11. Such a good post! You neatly summarized what makes Antoine's life such a struggle, and that is his overwhelming inability to trust. Like you said, though, his trust in and friendship with Rene is a beautiful thing, largely because you see who Antoine really is and how vulnerable he can allow himself to be.

    - Jackie Augustine
